Last sat. was the annual scooter run and about 40 scooters and 5 Harley's showed up!! It was a lot of fun and for a good cause!! We rode around on a mapped out ride that takes about 3 hours! We stop along the way and play hands of poker which I didn't win again but that's OK since the money goes for a good cause!! I was so excited cuz this year Todd and my best friend Amy came on the run with me!! Me and Todd decided to wash the piglet and Hog before the run so they were nice and shiny!! Cant wait till the next one!! Enjoy the pictures!!
The 5th grade classes worked very hard on there recorder program this year!! It was patriotic themed and turned out so good!! They sang songs and also played music on there recorders!! I helped serve cake and icecream afterwards while J ran around acting silly with all of his friends!! Im so proud of him for learning to play his recorder and be in this program!!
J got a new bmx bike for xmas and loves riding it alot , he is always going on the jumps and is getting really good at it!! I cant beleive how talented this kid is , oh wait yes i can cause hes mine!! heres some fun pics of him and Jackson!!